mobile phone: +385 95 807 8888

Submitting a claim

Notice of the method of submitting a claim

According to the Article 6. par. 3. of the Tourism Act (NN br. 130/17) and the Article 10. of the Consumer Protection Act (NN br. 41/14), we inform users that a written claim regarding the quality of services provided may be submitted by:

  • post to: COLUMBUS d.o.o., Trg kralja Tomislava 17,  20 340 Ploče
  • via e-mail:
  • without any delay at any COLUMBUS travel branch.

We will issue an acknowledgement of receipt of your claim in a written form without undue delay.

We will send you a statement on how to handle the claim in a written form no later than 15 days after the receiving the claim.

Important notice:
Please state your name, surname and correspondence adress in the claim.

Alternative dispute resolution:
For services purchased online, the traveler/consumer can submit a complaint to an authorized body for alternative consumer dispute resolution using the online consumer dispute resolution platform that you can access here.

This means that if you encounter a problem while shopping online within the EU, you should first try to resolve disputes related to online ordering without involving the courts.

The platform can be used by both consumers and traders, and complaints can be submitted in any of the official languages of the EU.